going through changes

28 March 2022

It has been a chaotic few weeks but, I am happy to report that I officially finished my final product! Now that the project is over and done with I feel like I am happy with the outcome of it. At the beginning of my final product journey, I was having such a hard time coming up with what to do and how to do it and it was making me feel overwhelmed. Luckily, I persevered and ended up with something I'm proud of. All in all, I am very grateful and proud of how everything turned out in the end and I do believe that my training materials course package can AND will help the legal community with mental health.

The only thing we have coming up for ISM is Final Presentation Night. I'm excited but also a little sad just because it will be my last final presentation night EVER and I'm not ready for my ISM journey to end for good :(. My goal as of right now is to run through my final presentation speech a few more times just to clean it up and then I'll be ready for the big night! I can't wait to show my friends and family what I've been working g on this year!