Getting Things Going

6 September 2021

It is officially time to get the ball rolling with ISM. Last week, I finally began some research on family law just so I could gain some entry knowledge about the subject before I began to reach out to professionals. I ended up finding some really good information and I also ended up finding out which topic interested me the most within family law: divorce and domestic abuse and its impact on children. One of the articles I researched was about the effects domestic abuse can bring onto children and how many children end up "trauma-exposed" in their adulthood.

Reading this article made me both sad and intrigued because I never knew how much kids were affected when it came to domestic abuse and witnessing domestic abuse and I also did not realize that divorces and custody battles can leave long-term impacts on children as well. the only reason it sparked my interest in relation to family law is that I want to know how attorneys cater to children when they deal with divorce and custody suits and how involved they actually get into a family's lives and if they actually impact their lives heavily. I want to infer that family lawyers do more than just offer legal advice to families. I want to see if they make impacts and form relationships with their clients or if it is strictly business. While I am interested to find out the answer, I am also nervous it could shift my thinking about family law as a whole. One of the main reasons why I have considered family law as a serious career option is because of how much it can help families and make an impact in their lives. I am just curious to see if my beliefs become a reality!