Over the counter, brokerage trading is the new and the most preferred trading method by crypto traders today. There are some factors that have made this trading more popular than regular trading. First, the market is unpredictable and keeps on experiencing slippage when traders want to make huge offers. This makes the regular method unfavorable for traders with a large volume of coins. On the other hand, the number of sellers and buyers keeps changing depending on how the prices are.
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This becomes a source of inconvenience more so to traders who have to make an emergency sale. However, the solution to these problems remains the OTC brokerage way. This trading involves two traders exchanging coins with monetary benefits without having to use the normal or regular exchange platform. One of the advantages of this method is the security and safety of the trade. If you are trading with a broker whom you know, you will not have to worry about being defrauded or conned. However, in order to make much out Bitcoin OTC broker trade, it is wise to employ certain trading techniques.
1. Avoid shopping around. This is one of the investment mistakes that can really spoil your sale. Shopping around may spoil the market because brokers have connections. When you inquire from a few brokers and tell them your intentions, they will spread this information. Soon, all the nearby brokers become aware of your intentions and the number of coins you want to sell. They decide to lower the buying price. Through this, you are not able to sell the coins at the retailing market price.
2. Do window shopping first. This is a technique that you need to employ to avoid trading mistakes. Before making an actual sale, it is always advisable to do a window shopping. Call a number of brokers and inquire information from them. Let them know you are about to make a sale. From the information they give you, it will be easier to choose a serious trader. It will also help you get time to wait for the information shared across cool down.
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3. Do not show your hand. When trading through brokers, this is a fatal mistake that a trader can make. When you provide them with information, it becomes easy for them to block your way. On the contrary, always inquire on both the buying and selling price as if you want to buy coins or sell coins. This will leave the broker without any option to exploit you. This is because he will not be aware of the transaction you want to make thereby disclosing the right information