Wealth Assessment - The First Step in Financial Planning

Wealth assessment is a critical step in wealth management. The goal of this process is to help you and your family understand where you are and what needs to improve. By using a C6 framework to analyze your current wealth management practices, you will see where your weaknesses lie and what risks are present. You'll be able to create a comprehensive plan to address them. The sources of wealth analysis is a key component of enhanced due diligence, and is often performed by financial institutions. The process involves identifying a customer's wealth, and can include things such as inheritances, lottery wins, and property sales. It can also reveal family assets of significant value. Learn more about financial services, click to read here. As such, the analysis should include detailed information about the underlying activities that have generated the wealth. The wealth index is based on a questionnaire that asks about consumer goods, dwelling characteristics, toilet facilities, and other characteristics that are related to wealth status. A principal component analysis process then assigns a weight to each asset. Find out for further details right here. The results are then standardized to form wealth quintiles. The results are then compared to various population indicators and health indicators. Wealth is usually measured in terms of money, but can also be measured in terms of livestock and land. Ancient Egyptians used the amount of wheat a person owned as a measure of wealth. Other herding cultures used sheep and horses to measure wealth. In the modern world, it is more common to use land as the measure of wealth. Wealth assessment is the first step in financial planning. By reviewing your financial situation, a financial advisor can help you chart your financial path and identify potential solutions. He or she can also help you compare options and compare decisions. The wealth assessment process can help you achieve financial freedom. It is essential to understand where you are in your life and where you want to be. Take a look at this link https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Financial_services for more information.