Researching and Evaluating Cloud Threats

26 October 2020

This past week in ISM, I continued research on emerging technologies for my original work. I researched various cloud-based cybersecurity threats and current responses. These threats included reduced visibility control and authorization on a business's part to black third-party provisioning requests and to block and track all API requests that are made. It was fascinating to learn how a transition to cloud shifts the responsibilities to the cloud platform, which can make it harder for companies to control what parts of their data are being used. In turn, I would recommend using and creating tools that track all requests, established WAF systems, and rotating MFA keys to ensure that the information is only visible to internal users. Overall, I gained a lot of in-depth knowledge of the types of threats and responses in terms of cloud security.

The next steps in my original work include finishing up all of my research on cloud-based threats, ransomware, and phishing attacks and then making a plan as to how I will simulate each threat and what technology and online tool I will use to perform that simulation. I plan to start my simulations over Thanksgiving break, as each simulation and testing round can be completed within a day and with 3-5 people.

Overall, I continued to expand my knowledge on cybersecurity this week, and I will continue to work towards finishing up my original work research paper.