Well construction involves drilling a well into the ground and installing a casing, which is a rigid pipe. This provides a sanitary route to the water-bearing aquifer. It is typically made of plastic, but steel, bentonite, or carbon steel can also be used. The planning process for well construction is essential to ensure maximum safety and production gains. It requires integration of people, processes, and technology. The integrated approach enables a well's performance to be measured, monitored, and corrected when necessary. This approach also helps reduce the overall cost of the project. By integrating the activities, processes, and people, well construction is more accurate and efficient. It also helps the operators minimize risks and increase safety. In addition to drilling new wells, well construction also requires the installation of well casings, wellhead systems, and cementing operations. The ground surface should be sloped away from the casing to keep surface water away from the well. Lastly, well caps must be securely secured to the casing and must be watertight. In addition, lubricant must be used for vertical turbine shafts and submersible pumps. Water levels in a well are measured at a certain height above the surface of the land. This height is called the static water level. If the water level in a well exceeds this level, the process of drilling a new well may be unnecessary. The process is time consuming and complicated. It requires specialized knowledge and experience. It is important to consult an expert in well construction before beginning the process. well construction
about well construction, go here. The EPA provides specific information on well construction and siting on its website. It also provides a finished well checklist that discusses what to look for after it is completed. In addition, the National Ground Water Association has a detailed checklist for well owners that covers what to look for after well construction. It is crucial that well owners adhere to these guidelines in order to protect the environment. The details of well construction should be provided in a narrative or graphic form. The information should include the number of monitoring wells in the well, the casing material, the screen material, the diameter, centralizer spacing, length of casing, and the position of the perforated interval. In addition, the type of bottom cap and composition of the sand pack should be specified. Before drilling, it is important to get permits. The permits will ensure the well is constructed properly and by licensed contractors. Besides that, these permits also ensure that the well is built according to Florida construction standards. The South Florida Water Management District will issue the permits necessary for water wells and monitor wells. Contact information for these entities can be found on the Permit Submittal Locations document. Please view this site https://www.wikihow.com/Make-a-Well for further details.