How to Bulletproof Yourself against Burnout

Burnout is not a myth. It is something that can happen to you, despite your best intentions. You can be at a point in your life, career, or in a project where you feel overwhelmed by all you have to do, and you are overtaken by events. You need to avoid burnout, or at the very least to have a way to deal with it. The best defense is living in a manner that significantly minimizes the chances of you ever reaching that state. It can be hard to recognize the onset of burnout. Sometimes, you may even be going through it and chalking it down to the stress that comes with work, when it is not. Burnout is not good for your health and wellbeing.

Which is why you need to recognize the symptoms. If you are constantly fatigued from keeping long work hours and working the entire week, then you are already there or headed there. The same is the case when you cannot make time for friends or anything else besides your work. If all you think about, and all you do is work related, where you cannot even generate enough enthusiasm for something different, you are at burnout. Sleep deprivation is another major symptom, as is a lack of satisfaction in your work. You need to take certain steps to avoid burnout.

The first one is a reset and fresh prioritization of the things that are important to you. You need to note all the things you are supposed to do, then go through that list to see which ones are important and mean something to you. You need to differentiate between what is important and what is urgent. Sometimes urgent things do not add to the quality of your life. You then need to learn to say no. if you agree to do everything everyone requests of you, it is no wonder you are in such a state. You will not have time to rest, you will have too much to worry about, and most likely, you will not even meet your personal goals. You need to focus on the important things to you and make sure they get ample time and resources. If there is time left, you can consider other things. You should also focus on one thing at a time. Multitasking is a waste of time when you are trying to, well, save time. It is also what people resort to when they are short on time and other resources. For the best inspirational resources, check out Everyday Power or read more Everyday Power tips.

Trying to do many things at once is not smart, no matter how much praise it receives. You shall achieve more when you dedicate yourself to one task, complete it, and move on to another task. Multitasking only serves as a reminder of everything you have not done you were supposed to. You should also prioritize your break times. They are good for resting and recharging. The same dedication should be given to your sleep, diet, and playtime. Playtime speaks of the things you do to relax and unwind. If you do not take time to do so, you will quickly burn out. This is also why the fuel you put in your body matters. You need to eat. Apart from that, you need to eat nutritious food. You should also get enough quality sleep. Nothing rejuvenates the mind quite like it. With a keen focus on living along with this guideline, there should be no situation that will lead you to burn out. Continue reading more on this here: