Very many people assume that eating disorders can be a lifestyle or even a phase they have to go through but actually it is not according to research. It is very important to realize that according to the research, eating disorders are categorized as mental disorders because of the consequences that people experience. You need to learn more about it because it has social, psychological, but also life-threatening consequences. Some of the causes of eating disorders includes genetic issues, but also people have different motivations are because they want to achieve and therefore, ending up with this condition. For instance, many of the people end up with eating disorders because they want to maintain their weight, lose weight others want to have a good body shape and so on.
Learn more about symptoms of eating disorders
Read more below to understand the different types of eating disorders, the symptoms and how you can actually deal with them. Very many people experience Anorexia Nervosa because it is one of the common eating disorders that is ever known. People suffering from this condition actually believe that they are always overweight, but the truth is they might even be underweight. They are already constantly monitoring the type of food they eat and actually restrict themselves from any type of food that has a lot of calories. Most of the times, therefore, you realize that these people are occupied with a lot of thoughts especially about food, but also a very restricted it comes to eating in public because of adding weight. Additionally, you find them living in denial because they have a distorted image of body weight. They definitely will end up with restricted eating patterns because they have a lot of fear when it comes to gaining weight because they want to maintain the fitness, they perceive in the mind is important for their age.
See eating disorder myths
One thing you realize is that Bulimia Nervosa is also very common and very common especially during the adolescent stage and in early adulthood. People with such a condition usually it very large amounts of food in a relatively short period and most of the times have no control over what they consume. This is why you find that vomiting, fasting, excessive exercising, and so on are very common among them. The experience a lot of fear therefore when it comes to gaining excess body weight, and a lot of low self-esteem when it comes to their body shape. Also learn more about Binge Eating Disorder which is a common eating disorder also but also ensures that you are seeking the help of a doctor can recommend different treatment for the different types.
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