Maya's Digital Portfolio


The philosophies of justice are something that we all should know about and have our own opinions on. There are three moral philosophies that go along with the philosophies of justice. These include utilitarianism, libertarianism, and Rawls justice as fairness. Utilitarianism is welfare/ security, this means to sacrifice one for the greater good. Libertarianism is liberty; this is the philosophy that educates only minimal state intervention in the free market and the private life of citizens. In similar terms individual liberty is the number one concern. Rawls Justice as Fairness is equality, meaning fairness is the number one priority and equality for all. The Philosophies of Justice are extremely important and when you develop your own philosophy of justice this helps you come to decisions based on real world ways. Environmental ethics are a huge part of justice and are a huge part of our society as a whole. Environmental ethics is the discipline in philosophy that studies the moral relationship of human beings, to, and also the value and moral status of, human and non-human content. This was an important part of our justice project, specifically when writing our second justice monologue.

When learning about justice we looked at the complexity of oil and gas in the greater Chaco Nation. There is a lot of sacred land that is being destroyed due to oil and gas companies. When they drill it also causes many toxic fumes to go into the air which then cause harm to the native people who live there. There were also two films that we looked at for this project. The first one being “True Justice”. In this film Brian Stevenson fights for equality in the criminal justice system. This was a very eye opening film and taught us all a lot about the various problems of the justice system and how there are ways that we can solve them. The second film we watched was called “Beyond Standing Rock''. This film talks about how the oil and gas industry is causing any problems in native communities. They have been protesting and they are treated terribly even though they are doing their best to peacefully protest. This film was frankly hard to watch, yet it shows us that our world needs to change and we need to have environmental justice.

For this project we had a few different things that we needed to accomplish. These were two justice monologues and our final justice project. The first justice monologue was on the idea of what is injustice, and what is justice? We also bring our own philosophy of justice. My philosophy of justice is compassion is justice which came from the Dalai Lama. For the second justice monologue we were given the prompt of, What is the most just way to balance our energy and economic needs, human and environmental health and protection of sacred lands? I talked specifically about the Denver air pollution problem and the deforestation of the Amazon Rainforest. For my final justice projectI chose to do a project proposal for my senior project and focus on getting started on my senior project. I chose this because my senior project is on the topic of sexual assault, harassment, and rape. Specifilcally, the sexulization of woman and how the animas community can provide more education on the issue and provide more support for survivors of sexual assault. This is something that is extremely important to me and I felt that I needed more time to work on. I have accomplished a lot so far but I have a long way to go.

Justice Monolouge

#1 What is Justice? What is injustice?

All of my life I was raised with the idea that everyone is equal. I remember when I was younger my parents used to say to me that I wasn’t better than anyone and no one was better than me.

In “Ethics for a Whole World” by the Dalai Lama, the thesis is, when thinking about justice compassion is the most important aspect.. I believe that when we look at something with a compassionate mindset, then there is a lot more justice and this leads to peace. The Dalai Lama talks about fundamental equality, strength, compassion, and of course justice. All of these relate back to Ethics for a Whole World.The Dalai Lama says, “Forgiveness is an essential part of a compassionate attitude, but it is a virtue that is easily misunderstood.” Dalai lamas point out that everyone is capable of change no matter what they do or did. I can agree with this to some degree. Most people can change with an open mind and some help, however there are some people who are born a certain way and with mental conditions and they can’t change even if they may want to. But forgiveness is a key part of this and when we can learn to forgive, we can truly see the good in some people.

In “Ethics for a Whole World” by the Dalai Lama, the thesis is, when thinking about justice compassion is the most important aspect.. I believe that when we look at something with a compassionate mindset, then there is a lot more justice and this leads to peace. The Dalai Lama talks about fundamental equality, strength, compassion, and of course justice. All of these relate back to Ethics for a Whole World.The Dalai Lama says, “Forgiveness is an essential part of a compassionate attitude, but it is a virtue that is easily misunderstood.” Dalai lamas point out that everyone is capable of change no matter what they do or did. I can agree with this to some degree. Most people can change with an open mind and some help, however there are some people who are born a certain way and with mental conditions and they can’t change even if they may want to. But forgiveness is a key part of this and when we can learn to forgive, we can truly see the good in some people.

In the film, True Justice, Brian Stevenson fights for equality for all. This is specifically in the criminal justice system. Brain’s goal is to help criminals get off death row and help them change for the better because as the Dalai Lama would say, everyone is capable of change. In America's history there is not a lot of equality when it comes to the criminal justice system.There are still to this day people of color being sentenced the Death Penalty with clear eveidence of inocence. This is not what equality is, I think it's funny because there are a lot of people who turn a blind eye to this and say that America has ample equality. Bryan Stevenson said, “It's about truth telling in a way to get us to remember.” I believe when you look into the facts you uncover the truth and can clearly see that America and the world as a whole still has a very long way to go. We as a society are capable of change, but we need to stop hiding things and truly try to change society for the better.

Justice Monolouge

#2 Environmental Justice/ Injustice

The world is dying, slowly being destroyed by the actions of humankind. There is so much that we could be doing to protect mother Earth, yet all we do is make it worse. Humans have this mindset that we get to use everything on our planet without consequences. However, not everything's meant to be altered by human kind.

In the reading Environmental Ethics, Joseph R. explores a question that we should be reflecting on: “Who carries the burdens of environmental harms, and who benefits from the practices that cause them?” This is the question that we sound be asking ourselves before causing more harm to the environment.

There needs to be common respect for the land. The Amazon Rainforest, one of the main sources of air for our world, is slowly being destroyed causing thousands of animals to go extinct. The destruction of this forest not only decreases breathable air, but when trees are cut down, they release CO2 that further contributes to greenhouse gasses. This is another source of climate change. National Geographic predicts that if we don’t put a stop to deforestation then almost all of the forests in the world will be gone within the next one hundred years. How will we breathe then?

Environmental injustice not only affects the animals, the climate and the land, but it affects the world's people. In the film Human Element, they bring our attention to air pollution, specifically in the lower income areas of Denver Colorado. The poor population has an increased likelihood of asthma because of the air pollution from factories and the interstate.. In the film, journalist interviews one of the local mothers who has dealt with this issue. She talks about how the pollution has affected her and her children. All of them have severe asthma and are now indoor people because of it. The fact that they avoid going outside is sad.Their everyday routine has changed because of pollution. They start out every day by taking all of their medications. They have to go to a school that is specifically designed for kids with asthma because of all the medication and care they need throughout the day. She says in the film, “Although you need it to survive, it is also killing you and your family.” This is how she talks about the air she breathes. You may be thinking, why doesn’t she just move? It's because moving takes money and instead they have to use it to pay for medicine to keep themselves and their children alive. .

To promote common respect for the land. The solution comes down to change. Like finding sustainable energy sources, reusing materials, and creating awareness. We must also learn to balance our economic needs with our environmental needs.These new ideas may take time and effort to implement, but isn’t it worth it in order to save our earth, our climate, the animals, and human kind itself?

Project proposal

Sexual Assault, Harassment, or R*pe

What have I completed so far?

  1. Sent out a survey and got results.
  2. Gathered data from Colorado healthy kids survey Made shirts.
  3. Met with Laura at SASO Scheduled assembly Sat in on Sex Ed.
  4. Conferenced with a Couple Students

What are my next steps?

  1. Schedule interviews from survey results.
  2. Write Speech for Assembly
  3. Get a teen support group together (funding?)
  4. Print more Shirts
  5. Plan Assembly Figure out who’s Speaking at Assembly
  6. Essay
  7. Ted Talk
  8. Create More support at the school.

What help do I need?

  1. Help From Libby and Erin with Assembly
  2. Help from Roxy with Shirts
  3. Talk to Sean about what he wants to do with all of the interview info.
  4. Talk to Laura about the support group and how we can make it happen.

What is my End Goal?

  1. To speak to the students and parents.
  2. To sell shirts for awareness.
  3. To change the amount of support that the school gives and that the community offers.
  4. Educate the student body on definitions of sexual assault, harassment, ect.

Project Defense

For my justice project I made a project proposal for my senior project. Originally this was not my plan, I was going to just make an art piece. However when I started to do my project I realized that this project needed to be a bigger project because of how much I wanted to do and how much I wanted to make a change. So far I have done a lot. I reached out to the director of SASO, Laura to ask for her help with this project. I wanted to find out what kind of resources survivors of sexual assult we in Durango had. I am planning on working with her on the rest of my project to provide more support for high school students. I have also set a date for my assembly in front of the whole school. I want to bring more awareness to the school and talk to them about the topic of sexual assult. I also have a few more people helping me with this assembly, Like Laura from SASO and a couple other people from animas. I have also designed shirts and stickers that I am selling in order to raise money for SASO. I am hoping that if I raise enough money SASO can get a teen support group started for survivors of sexual assult. I also sent out a survey to the school asking about what they knew and how the felt about the topics of sexual harassment, assult, and rape.

This project highly reflects my philosophy of justice in that compassion is the most important part of justice. Because this is a highly sensitive topic I need to have a lot of compassion and understanding for how to conduct this project without making people feel unsafe or uncomfortable. In the reading “Compassion is Justice.” It talks about how in order to create justice you need to have compassion for problems. This means having empathy and understanding for issues. For example sexual assult or harassment is wrong, however some people do not understand what is right and what is wrong. This is because people are not educated enough on these issues. This reading is the main piece of evidence that helped me develop my philosophy of justice.

So far I have done an ample amount of research for this project. I have watched many ted talks and listened to a few different podcasts. I have also been sitting in on Animas’s sex ed classes in order to find out how much the school in already educating the students on the issues of sexual assult, harassment, and rape. This was very eye opening and I am talking to erin very closly on how she could imporve the sex ed class. I also just read an academic journal on how the seualization of woman realtes to the sexual assult rates in our society. There is more research I am planning on doing however I have a lot to go off of so far.

Project Reflection

I feel that I have been very successful in this project. I have a lot more that I need to do. However because this relates to my senior project I feel that I have plenty of time to get it all done and have a huge impact on the animas community. I am proud of myself for what I have completed. I think that the biggest thing that contributed to my success is that I have so much interest in this topic. This is a topic that is very close to my heart and super important to me. Another thing that has contributed to my success is the interest from the other students in this project. When I sent out the survey I had a couple students come to me thanking me for doing this and saying that they were extremely happy that I’m doing this project. They shared their stories with me and it made me feel like this is the most important thing I have done in a long time. I don’t want to let myself down or the other students in this project so that makes me be way more successful.

There were also many ways that I was unsuccessful in this project. For example, originally I had a final art piece that I was planning on creating. I had to of course rethink this and instead do a project proposal. I think that because I am so busy I get caught up in what I could do, when in reality I don’t have enough time to do these things. I tend to get lost in what I need to do because I am doing so much all of the time. I don’t think that this is a bad thing, but I do think that I could tone it down and focus more on certain things and get them done. I overcame this by reconstructing my project and turning it into a senior project. I should have thought about the endgame for this project a lot harder and made sure that it is realistic.

I feel that I showed up for this project very well. During the beginning stages of this project so far, it has consumed a lot of time and a lot of my life. I have had some very hard ups and downs in this project so far however that has only made me work a lot harder so far. I am extremely committed to this project and also engaged in it because it's so important to me.

One major lesson that I have learned so far from this project is that it's not going to be easy. I had some push back from the school in this project so far. This has taught me that not everyone is going to fully like what I have to say and what I am doing. However I figured it out with the school and I am hoping that going forward with my senior project if I encounter any more issues, I can handle it more smoothly and have the full support of the school. Another lesson that I have learned is that sometimes I need to say no and not take on too much. All of this school year I have taken on a lot, and sometimes it can be too much. Going into my senior project I need to make sure that I am focusing on more specific things instead of doing all these extra little things. When I focus on less things I have more time to make sure that I am putting in all of my effort and energy in order to create beautiful work. Overall I feel that I have done really well in this project, I am very proud of myself for what I have done and what I am doing.