Contrary to popular belief, starting a vegetable garden is not difficult. It is a very good idea to have one and for very many reasons. For starters, when you have a vegetable garden, you can rest assured of eating fresh vegetables since you will have easy access to them. You get the freedom to grow all your favorite vegetables that you would want to eat. More importantly, you will enjoy healthy, fresh veggies throughout the season. So how do you start your vegetable garden as a beginner gardener? For starters, it is important to keep in mind that most veggies would do best when under full direct sunlight. That is why your first step would be to select a vegetable garden site that is flat and gets direct sunlight exposure. Even if you don’t have a big yard, you can always have your vegetable garden in large containers.
View Veggies for beginner gardeners
Most vegetables including peppers, tomatoes, lettuce and more can grow perfectly in containers. The second step after selecting the site for the vegetable garden is to mark out the size of the garden. It is often advisable that you start small if it is your first time and learn in the process as you grow and expand your garden over time. One thing you need to keep in mind is the fact that gardens can be a handful when it comes to watering, weeding, and pest control. As such, you will need to have a large enough space that you can control properly to ensure you give it maximum attention. One way you can determine how large the size of your vegetable garden should be is by considering the different types of plants you would want to grow. Most people will have simple veggies such as spinach, lettuce, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, squash, and carrots as their Veggies for beginner gardeners. These are easy to grow veggies even though squash is known to occupy a larger room. The secret to choosing your vegetable garden is to plant things that you and your family would enjoy eating. Some vegetables like lettuce can be grown from the seed.
See Veggies for beginner gardeners
However, if you are new to gardening, you might want to start your vegetable gardening by using already established plants. Make good use of online blogs and websites for guidance on how to go about growing your vegetable gardens as a beginner. It might also be useful if you got gardening supplies and plants/seedlings from your local garden supply nursery or store. This is because you will be assured of healthy and strong plants native to your topography. And of course, the plants will be available in the stores at the perfect time for planting thanks to the seasonal changes taking place. Site preparation is as important as choosing the types of veggies to plant. Pay close attention to all practices that will ensure your site is ready for the vegetables. Invest in your compost and fertilizer and follow the guidelines outlined for the specific types of vegetables you intend to plant. By the end of the day, you want healthy and strong vegetables throughout the seasons.