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The fact is it is vital that your investments for your business evolve on a continuous cycle. There is no finish line when you can stop thinking about the top business investments and how to parlay them into success for your business. The Evolution of Business All you have to do is read the headlines to know that without proper financial management and investing those business finances in the right areas, your business can fail. Take a look at the giants that have fallen in the last decade after, in some cases, a century or more in business. The top business investments ensure that you are putting money where it matters. The evolution of business is similar in every industry. It comes in three phases, startup, establishing secure footing, and growth. Typically, the growth part is where business owners tend to sit on their laurels too long. Keeping your company on the right track means evaluating the top business investments, investing, and enjoying the return until the next opportunity comes along. Each phase of business evolution has its own set of top business investments. For example, in the start up phase some of the top business investments for your company are made in marketing. Social media marketing, SEO, and more is vital at this stage because it brings your customers to you and gets the word out about your business. What Are The Top Business Investments At Each Phase of Business? Let’s say you are starting up a screen printing company and you want to make sure that you are making the top business investments at this phase of the business. This kind of company can also be great for making you merchandise when your own company gets off of the ground. In the early days of getting your business off the ground, you will have two main categories that you will need to divide your investments into.