How to lower water consumption in the garden
For plant and gardening enthusiasts, and homes with garden and landscaping, water consumption in the garden can definitely occupy a chunk in the whole household’s total water consumption. And when water is inefficiently used in the garden, a huge water bill will surely be underway.
The San Diego Plumbing Professionals Association (SDPPA) says there are ways to cut back water usage in the garden. With simple changes on how water is being used, and utilizing better and more efficient gardening equipment, water consumption can be minimized.
Environmental advocates say, it all begins with the choice of plant. Choosing plants that do not need a lot of water like lavender and mimosa are best for the garden. But if the plants are already there, and some may need more water than the others, then a homeowner should then move on to other ways to save on water use. Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association
Recycling water from the kitchen and collecting rainwater is an old school technique to save up on water used in the garden. Here is what British media publication The Guardian had to say about this.
“Even if you live in a dry part of the UK, you could collect 24,000 litres (5,280 gallons or 150 water butts) of rainwater from your roof each year. Obviously, not many people can store that much water, but if every household in the country collected even just one water butt’s worth of water a year (160 litres), that’s four billion litres of free water that we all could be using on our gardens.” The continuation of this feature writeup can be found here.
Home and Garden Television meanwhile encourages homeowners to use an adjustable sprinkler to keep water consumption to a minimum. “Conserving water in the landscape starts with re-thinking the ways you use and apply water to plantings. Trade in a non-adjustable oscillating sprinkler for one that offers multiple watering patterns. By sliding levers or pushing buttons, adjustable sprinklers let you direct water to where it’s needed — and avoid wasteful runoff.” The rest of the tips the HGTV has shared can be found here.
The SDPPA says a little conservation in the garden can go a long way in taming water consumption.