I had a productive week last week as I tried to connect with as many architects as I could find, but I feel like I got nowhere. I connected with five architects through LinkedIn last week, none of which have responded. Because I did not get good results through LinkedIn, I decided to branch out to google and email architects as I found them on websites of architecture firms mainly located in Dallas. One architect did respond to my request to interview last Friday, and I was able to mention some days we could meet up, but I have not heard back from them yet. Throughout the weekend and today, I emailed more architects, but none have responded yet as well. If I am not able to interview an architect by this week, I am going to be in big trouble as at the end of next week we are required to have already set up an interview with two professionals. I do not want to be crushed by the steam roller. Despite my struggle on trying to connect with architects, I have to work on my original work proposal this week. I have a small idea of what I want to do, but I have not identified the problem I want to solve. I am not sure what I want to design yet as I possess no professional skills for designing architecture. The only skills I technically have related to architecture are my drawing skills, creative skills, and a little bit of 3D modeling skills through the computer. However, before I can design anything, I need to identify the problem at hand and try to solve it through the architectural design of buildings. Thus, I do know that I want to design a building meant to solve a problem that many face in today’s society. I will most likely focus on commercial architecture in which I might design a school or even a children's hospital, but in order to do so, I will have to conduct much research to develop my knowledge and skills in a way that I am able to successfully design such buildings. Right now I feel a bit stuck and confused as I am not getting any results with trying to connect with architects and do not know what I exactly want to do for my original work. I do have hope that everything will come in place, but for now I will continue contacting architects and doing research on ideas for my original work.