How to Prevent the Trainees from Injuries of Running-stretch Coaching Program

When a coach is taking a trainee through running-stretch exercises, the trainees and the coach are both at risk of injury. Your responsibility as the coach is to ensure that the trainees are safe from injuries not unless they are unforeseen injuries. The most t common injuries people experience when running are shin split, stress fracture, muscle pull, and many more. There are a variety of ways that will help the coach to protect the running-stretch trainees from getting such injuries.

You should check the exercise gear that the trainees are going to use before you commence the training session. Ensure that they are putting on the right equipment that will give them conform when running and stretching. They should have athletic shoes and clothes that are appropriate for the weather. Advice your clients on the proper gear to carry even before they arrive at the training venue. During cold weather, they should dress up warmly but using clothes that they can easily remove once they feel hot and sweaty. In warm weather allow then to put on light clothing. They should also bring protective gear such as first aid kit for those who have exceptional cases such as the diabetic, helmet, reflexive jackets if they are going on a busy road, among others.

You should first prepare their bodies for exercises. Help the trainees to warm up their bodies and cool down. This session should take approximately fifteen minutes maximum but not less than ten minutes. The bodies of the trainees will warm up as their heart beats faster as their bodies prepare to adjust and sustain the pressure that they will be under when you will be taking them through the running stretch. Let the trainees start each warm-up exercise at a slow pace, intensify it, and allow them to cool. Check out The Stretching Institute to know more.

Take the trainees through the stretch exercises because the warm-up will have warmed their muscles. They will not experience the muscle cramps that are caused by stretching cold muscles. The exercises should be slow and gentle to eliminate discomfort in the body. Check up on the trainees to ensure that they are not too hard on themselves. When a trainee feels uncomfortable, it means that you or they are pushing themselves so hard. Allow them to rest or give them less strenuous exercises.

Hydrate the trainees so that they do not lose too much water. Allow them to take water approximately fifteen minutes before exercise session kicks off and twenty minutes after thy cool off. They should also drink water at intervals of fifteen minutes during a training session because it will help their bodies to stay dehydrated.

Listen to the suggestions and opinions of the clients because they understand their bodies better than you. Beginners will feel the worst sores and pain of the muscles within twenty-four hours after exercises. You should not force the exercises on trainees who are too tired. Advise them to seek medical attention in case the pain and sores get worse after twenty-four hours. You can see more here.

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