
Der Achmet strahlt Liebe und Frieden aus, stärkt uns in unserer Selbstachtung und in unserer Verbundenheit zur Natur.

In „Steine“ a new generation of healing stones is presented. Consisting of different combinations of lifestyle and consumer goods, the stones correspond to today‘s living conditions.

First the goods were shreded to granules or powder and then sealed in epoxy. Our everyday used objects tell a lot about our attitude towards the world, the combination of these elements create narratives and subtle notions of present ideologies. Due to the variable compositions of ingredients, the individual personal needs of each user can be specifically addressed.

The work deals with a common longing for salvation and tests consumerism for its spiritual qualities.
The healing stones are presented in a folder. Name, components and the respective properties and applications are described. The text for this is taken from a book on the power of healing stones.

Ariel 3 in 1 PODs
Syoss Haarcoleration „mittelbraun“
Doppelherz Vitamin D
Memphis Blue