Diving into design

21 October 2019

This past week in ISM I had my third and fourth interview with Ms. Lena Quach, a UX Designer at Capital One, and Mr. John Keese, a UX Architect at projekt202. Overall, both interviews were a success and I learned a lot more about the Design and Research process, and ways for me to incorporate all of those aspects into my own design ideas. With my interviews, I gained more insight into what I want out of a Mentorship and the design areas that I am interested in studying. On Monday, I have my last and fifth interview with Mr. Cassini Nazir at the UTD Design Lab studio. Continuing on with my interviews, I made a list of pros and cons for each professional in terms of experience, location, and who would best fit my needs in terms of my Original Work and vision for this Mentorship. I plan to choose and confirm my mentor by the end of October, meeting my SMART goal.

Similarly, I gained a lot of valuable professional skills such as timing, effective communication, conducting research, and other beneficial skills such as professionalism and ways to evaluate my overall research. My experience in interviewing professionals has allowed me to benefit myself in understanding the basics of UX Design and the different ways that I can incorporate other design elements, methods, and experiences into my final project. Each professional also provided me with different tools throughout my own research and examples of topics that I can analyze such as ways to minimize long lines, easing the process of tax forms, and finding ways to simplify problems in day-to-day tasks.

Overall the past couple of weeks in ISM, have allowed me to gain more insight into UX Design and connect with various different professionals, and now through all of my interviews my next step is to analyze and pick a mentor that would fit me best.