Setting New Goals

4 November 2019

This past week in ISM I sent a follow-up request to my mentor and am currently awaiting an official response from her in regards to that. My plan is to wait for the follow-up and then contact her through LinkedIn and call her after school on Monday simply to remind her of my Mentorship request.

In regards to my original work, I worked on going through sources this week and continuing to read the book A Whole New Mind, while creating documents of my analysis and taking notes on the books and websites I am going through. I am also working on making weekly goals for myself in terms of what I plan to research each week and what I will do with my research. I also created a timeline of dates for my final original work in terms of starting and completing my final assessment and project plan. I began working on my original work by looking at sample design portfolios that my interview professionals have shared with me and analyzing how this specific project utilizes each element of the Design Thinking process.

I also started to work on my portfolio and am working both in class and at home to organize all of my assessments and original work proposal to print out for my binder. My goals is to get my binder completed and updated with all my recent assessments by the end of this week, so that way I can have an updated portfolio for my research presentation.

This week in ISM was extremely crucial in teaching me discipline and time management skills, as I have to balance my ISM Research and ensure that I am making progress each week. This week was also very important to me in terms of setting goals and I plan to continue to work on my presentation, original work, and portfolio throughout this next week.