открывая ящик пандоры: новые физические принципы (оружие)
Opening pandora box: nonlethal weapons research

This is a little bit edited machine translation from Russian to bring it to a readable state. Time permits, we will improve translation's quality. As of now, our goal is to make public the major facts.

В отношении нелетального оружия или оружия на "новых" принципах мы будем концентрироваться на трех основных вопросах: ОНФ в целом; в отношении детей; геоинженерия и модификация климата.In regard to NLW research we will concentrate on three main issues: NLW in general; NLW in relationship to children; geoengineering and climate modification.

Nonlethal Weapons

История развития и создания.

Development and creation in historical retrospect.

It would, probably, be more appropriate to consider the period right after the revolution In Russia, as the starting point of the research in the field of what is called now weapons on the ‘new’physical principles (nonlethal weapons or psychotronic weapons). In the 20th of the last century Vladimir Mikhaylovich Bekhterev (the outstanding Russian psychiatrist, neuropathologist, and physiologist, 1857-1927),

Vladimir Leonidovich Durov (the famous animal trainer and the circus performer, 1863-1934) and

Bernard Bernardovich Kazhinsky (the Soviet radio engineer, 1890-1962) came together to perform experiments on animals (!) in the field of telepathy and radio communication.

Sometimes they invited for participation in their experiments on animals the outstanding Russian physiologist Ivan Petrovich Pavlov (1849-1936), the author of the well-known theory on classical conditioning. This theory has found a broad application in modern psychology, in spite of the fact that its founder had never been a psychologist himself.

Further in the 30th of the last century one has to consider the works of (later) a professor of LSU (Leningrad State University) Leonid Leonidovich Vasilyev (1891-1966), the founder of scientific parapsychology and the author of the book "Mysterious Phenomena of Human Psych" published in the 60th. Professor Vasilyev was named in some reports by the Pentagon, which can be found on the web, as one of the founding fathers of the Soviet psychothronic weapons.

In the 60th after his first book on parapsychology, professor Vasilyev published more books on the same subject: "Suggestion at a distance"," Experimental studies of mental suggestion" with the epigraph from Latin:" Feci quod potui, faciant meliora potentes. (I have done everything, I could. Those, who can, should do better)". In 1963 after his death the book by Kazhinsky "A biological radio communication" was republished.

In 1967 KGB of the USSR was headed by Andropov Y. V. A new era has began...

Vasilyev and Kazhinsky's books were not republished, it was difficult to find them in the bookstores. Instead, a popular scientific book by the young psychiatrist Vladimir Levi "Hunt for a thought" was published and appeared on the bookshelves in bookstores. In this book in a quite convincing manner a mental disorder was described under which a mentally disabled person rolled his eyes trying to tune himself to brain waves (see Kazhinsky "the Mysteries "of brain radio"") and tried to convince a doctor that he had been irradiated by his neighbors. No word was told about books and experiments by Vasilyev, Kazhinsky, Bekhterev, Pavlov, Durov in that popular scientific book by Levi about hunting for a thought.

After becoming a head of the KGB in the spring of 1967 Andoropov, at the end of summer of 1967, sent to the Central Committee of the CPSU a special report about urgent need to increase in the USSR the number of psychiatric clinics. The secretariat of the Central Committee considered Andropov's initiative and approved it in the fall of 1967, as was reflected in the protocol of its meeting N35-13c. Probably, since that moment the, so-called, retaliatory psychiatry in Russia has been originated.

After that the research of professor Vasilyev in the MVTU(Moscow State Technical University) named by Bauman has been carried further on by someone, named, Kogan. Kogan, had been inspired, by his own words, by reading the book by Vasilyev. Where he had managed to find and read books by Vasilyev, remains a riddle. It is also necessary to add that Pavlov, Bekhterev, Vasilyev, the outstanding Russian scientists, had never performed experiments on humans. Though, some of the people, who called themselves Pavlov's students, for example, tried to repeat Pavlov's experiments on dogs on humans. In gratitude to dogs the academician Pavlov devoted a monument, it is now located in Saint-Petersberg. Fight between supporters and opponents of experimentation on human "material" among scientists, thus, in Russia has begun in the 20th of the last century and has never stopped. This subject is so important that one can find on the web a huge number of forgeries by the corrupt "scientists" trying in justification of their own misconduct to discredit the greatest scientists of the past.

In the USA the story began with the end of the World War II. We will make a reservation that the history of research in this area in the USA is considerably better known, than in Russia, therefore, here we will give the main events of this story mainly for the acquaintance of the Russian reader. Upon the end of the war (later the director of CIA) Allen Dulles invited to the Nuremberg process for psychiatric survey of Nazi criminals a psychiatrist Ewen Cameron (1901-1967).

Later he became a guru of psychiatry, chairman of the Canadian, American and World Psychiatric Associations. Cameron took part in determination of fate of Nazi criminals on the Nuremberg process, some of them, had been sentenced to death, while Cameron with the help of Dulles became in possession of their archives. After that he continued their experiments on humans in clinic of the McGill University in Montreal, Canada. At the same time, in accordance to the project “ Paper Clip”, about 9000 Nazi scientists arrived to live and work in the USA . However, not all of them found new home there. Such monster as doctor Josef Mengele (1911-1979),

who, in concentration camp in Auschwitz had made terminal experiments on prisoners, was too compromised to be brought to the USA. Before the liberation of Auschwitz by troops of the Soviet Red Army in 1945, Mengele had been given an opportunity to live and continue "to work" in South America. Cameron in Canada, while continuing experiments of Nazi doctors, selected for this purpose only physically and mentally healthy people. People with ordinary live problems came to seek his help and consultations as to the psychologist, but not the psychiatrist. He put them in clinic, beat with an electro shocker, treated with large doses of drugs, and forced for days without a break within months to sleep and listen to hypnotic tape recordings. It was the project of the CIA, it has been begun in 1953 under the name of “MK Ultra”. Why “MK”? Because it is an abbreviation consisting of two words, English word "Mind" and German word "Kontrolle", in other words, mind control. When all of this had come to surface after investigation of the U. S. Congress in the mid-seventies, CIA paid to Cameron's victims the biggest claim in its history. And, as the former director of FBI (Los Angeles, Memphis, Dallas) Ted Ganderson put it, in Congress CIA had agreed to stop uncontested human experimentation and they never did. Actually, these experiments became even more secret and, later, it was possible to conduct them remotely. Cameron died in the mid-sixties while hiking in the Rocky Mountains in Canada. He was 67 years old. Doctor Mengele died at the age of 67 too, according to rumors, he drowned in the river.

Absolutely unknown to public remained the part of the mind control project related to experiments on children, as it had not emerged at all during the investigation of the Congress.

In 1962 in a peer-reviewed scientific journal an article by the astronaut Allan H. Frey appeared on microwave hearing effect. He described parameters which allow people to "receive" a broadcast in a skull. The person ‘works’ as a receiver and only she/he hears the message. It is now called sometimes "Frey's effect". In 1974 at a conference at Utah State University professor Joseph Sharp showed a device by means of which it was possible to transfer messages directly to human skull using microwave hearing effect. These result were also published in a peer-reviewed scientific journal in 1975. In 1998 in Russia in MVTU (Moscow State Technical University) named by Bauman the dissertation on microwave hearing effect was defended, it is in an open access on the web. It turned out that humans can hear the voice transmitted by the operator in their skulls and only they can hear it because of thermoelastic expansion of tissues. It is also called artificial telepathy, silent sound, v2k and so on and it is a very widespread method of psiterror at the moment. With Andropov in KGB people who complained about hearing voices in their’ heads were immediately put in psychiatric clinics in the USSR with the diagnosis schizophrenia (thanks to doctor Levi and his book). By the present moment the situation in Russia has changed a little, but it isn't really an essential change . The USA officially declassified this technology of psiterror in 2006 due to the journalistic inquiry and according to the amendment to the Constitution of the USA, but this had no or little effect on the victims or Targeted Individuals for psiterror in the USA .

To be continued