What You Should Have in Mind When Customizing a Challenge Coin

A challenge coin is described as a small medallion that bears the insignia of a society or organization and members of the society can carry it. They were used in the old days to ascertain membership to a society and improve the morale of the members. Challenge coins are known to be cheap to produce and design. They are not only used for challenging but also as rewards for outstanding service. Police departments have also adopted the use of challenge coins to reward their members. This article describes several ways how to design and customize a challenge coin.

Discussed here are several ways of designing military challenge coins in case you have no way of going about it. The primary action is to consider whether you would wish to have a soft or hard enamel. This actually refers to the finishing process that completes the challenge coin. A hard enamel coin is known to have a smoother feel than a soft coin. The coin's edges are filled flush using the paint. The raised metal on soft enamel coins makes them more textured to the touch. Hard enamel coins are costly than soft enamel coins.

Before hiring a challenge coin company at customchallengecoins.net, you should first consider the design you wish to have on the face of your coin. Consider the aspect of being unique and pick out symbols and images that relate to the persons or events you want to award the challenge coin to. Contemplate on the cultural emblems that are relatable to an individual's personality or monuments they relate to. Put in mind particular dates, flags and sports teams. It is therefore wise to narrow down your choices since there are so many possibilities.

Challenge coins are a bit larger than the normal U.S coin currencies. Therefore, size is one of the factors to consider when customizing a challenge coin. These coins are normally measured in diameter and you may reference to a U.S quarter when deciding on the size of your custom challenge coin. A quarter is therefore much smaller than a U.S quarter. There are various edges used to make a challenge coin. It is wise to think of the type of edge that you consider having on your challenge coin before you place an order for it. View this website https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Talk%3AChallenge_coin about challenge coin.

When designing a challenge coin as a present to a small number of family members, then all you need is a small order. A large number of coins is normally ordered for big events such as weddings or retirement parties. This always ensures that everyone receives one when distributing them and not leaving anyone out. Put in mind the factors mentioned above before you decide to customize a challenge coin.