Last week, I got to speak with Dr. Kathryn Bywaters about our mentorship. While Dr. Bywaters still researchers mostly about Mars, she is focused more on the biological aspect of Mars. I found this as an opportunity to expand my knowledge in biology. Through the Nakhla research, I got a really good grasp of chemistry and geology. By dwelling into biology, I will be really well rounded, when it comes to astrobiology. I also spoke with her about doing a possible second final product. I know...I know... you are probably thinking that I am a try hard and that I am also crazy. Ok... that is somewhat true but I embraced it. In science, you have to be a try hard and you HAVE to be crazy because SCIENCE IS CRAZY! We both decided that it would awesome to research the different mechanisms extremophiles use to survive. Guess I will be looking at a lot of genetic data files. In addition to this, we also talked about my internship at AMES. During the summer, I will be flying out to California and intern under Dr. Bywaters. I will most likely be there for several weeks. I can't wait to see what all experiences I gain and it has been a really long time since I went to California. I couldn't of thought of a better way to spend my summer before college.