2021 livepaint at culture club yokosuka

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It was my first time doing live paint in YOKOSUKA,hometown. There is a shrine named Hshirimizujinnjya 走水神社.I have special memories with it. At this shrine, a goddess called "オトタチバナヒメノミコト" is enshrined. I wanted to paint her at YOKOSUKA since before, and a chance came to me.

2021 livepaint at poreroom03

collaboration with Ghufron Yazid

Ghufron Yazid is a drawer and floral artist.

click here for more about Ghufron Yazid

2021 livepaint for openparty of 「健康的なエロ展」

At NOSE ART GARAGE, 「健康的なエロ展」was held.
Before my collaboration with singer Akane Kai, I read her song lyrics she wrote. Even though I did not listen to her voice, I felt her song was a prayer. Praying for something beyond her control, shedding tears, but her face is up to the universe.
I loved her additude towards art an life, and it really mathed wih my style too.

Information of Kai Akane and her song is avilable from here

CLICK HERE for more about Akane kai


I've done live painting several times at ZUBAR in Tokyo,Shibuya. At this time, I collaborated with some DJs and painted in front of the DJ booth.

Since I had been playing piano for more than 15 years, I know how to synchronize with tempo and flow. So I tried to connect the sound to the hand moving to paint. It is a very spiritual experience to connect to something beyond my consiousness.


I was invited as a guest and did a performance. I couldn't finish painting on this day, so I did live paint again at my atelier to complete this painting.

2020 Livepaint at POREROOM 01

At POREROOM01, it was my first time to join a groupe exhibion and perform livepaint.Live paint took me 8 hours. It was very exciting and triggered me to do more performance.

the exhibitoin was held by POREROOM at GEM NAKAMEGURO